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- Type MC Cable - "flame retardant sunlight resistant PVC Jacket"
- Wet Location rated per Section 330.10(11)(C) of the National Electrical Code ® 2011 Edition
- Direct burial applications, installation in concrete and where exposed to cinder fills, strong chlorides, caustic alkalis, or
- Vapors of chlorine or of hydrochloric acids.
- Branch, feeder and service power distribution in commercial, industrial, institutional, and multi-residential buildings.
- Power, lighting, control, and signal circuits.
- Fished or embedded in plaster.
- Concealed or exposed installations
- Places of Assembly per NEC 518.4 and theaters per NEC 520.5.
- As i nstallation in cable tray, approved raceways, or as aerial cable on a messenger.
- Under raised floors for information technology equipment conductors and cables per NEC 645.5(D) & 645.5(D)(2).
- Class I Div. 2, Class II Div 2, & Class III Div. 1 Hazardous Locations.
• UL 83, 1569, and 1685
• Federal Specification A-A59544 (formerly J-C-30B)
• The National Electrical Code/ NFPA 70 ®
• Listed for use in UL 1, 2 and 3 Hour Through Penetration Firestop Systems
• Jacketed & Non Jacketed will both pass " UL Test" & "FT4/IEEE 1202" (70,000 Btu/hr) Vertical Cable Tray Flame Test
Armorlite ® Type MC Cable - "PVC Jacketed" is constructed with soft-drawn, copper Type THHN/THWN
conductors rated 90°C dry/ 75°C wet, and a green insulated grounding conductor. The conductors are cabled together and a
binder tape is wrapped around the assembly. Aluminum interlocking armor is applied over the assembly. A black flame
retardant PVC jacket is applied over the armor. The jacket is available in other colors upon request subject to economic order
quantites. The standard PVC Jacket will not meet "Limited Smoke" or "LS" Rating.
*Data provided on this page is subject to change based on different manufacturers' variances
** Images are for display purposes only refer to Product Technical Details for accurate information on the product.
Call Us: 1-516-482-6313 Text Us: 1-516-703-3460