Grounding Kits Earthing Kits for RF Coaxial Cable PCM-AIC-16

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Product Information
Category | AISG Cables |
Application | RF Coaxial Cable |
Part Number | PCM-AIC-16 |
Grounding Kits Earthing Kits for RF Coaxial Cable
Description :
Mid-span framework grounding Commscope/Andrew SureGround® Grounding Kit Suit 7/8"" cable such as LDF4-50 Heliax Outer conductor only.
Usage :
This cable grounding kit provides a secure grounding point to the outer conductor of 1/2"" feeder cables (such as LDF4-50A Heliax) using a mechanical clamping method. Suitable for both corrugated and smoothwall cable varieties.
Cable runs should be attached to a good electrical ground at the top of the tower near the antenna, at the bottom of the tower, and at the point where the cable enters the transmitter building. If the tower is used as a broadcast radiator, only ground the cable at the first quarter wavelength point, (broadcast frequency) measured vertically from the base of the tower.
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Call Us: 1-516-482-6313 Text Us: 1-516-703-3460