Underground Utility Services Color Code USA


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Underground Utility Services Color Code USA

Underground utility services are marked in different colors for convenience and maintenance safety. Different countries have different color codes for utility services. In this infographic, you can see utility color codes that are true for the United States and Canada. The colors are not interchangeable, and can only mean the designated applications as described. Aside from the underground power lines, underground utility services include telecommunication lines, natural gas lines, water lines, and others. 

There is a visual logic behind how the lines are marked -  red is the color for the most dangerous lines that should not be touched under any circumstances due to electrocution, yellow and orange indicate intermediate levels of danger, while blue and green are the safest underground utility lines. See the underground utility services color code  in the USA below:

For more information on cables in the utility power lines, read this blog. To learn the difference between UF-B and USE cables, click here.

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