Burndy BA16E14 22-16 AWG 1/4" Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug

Burndy BA16E14 22-16 AWG 1/4" Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
Select a Variant
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- Burndy BA10E14 12-10 AWG 1/4" Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA10E14M 16-14 AWG 1/4" Stud 1 Hole Tape Mounted Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA10E38 12-10 AWG 3/8" Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug Yellow
- Burndy BA10E516 12-10 AWG 5/16" Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA10E6 12-10 AWG #6 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA10E6M 12-10 AWG #6 Stud 1 Hole Tape Mounted Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA10E8 12 - 10 AWG #8 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA10EF10 12 - 10 AWG #10 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA10EF6 12 - 10 AWG #6 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA10EF8 12 - 10 AWG #8 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA10EL10 12 - 10 AWG #10 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA10EL6 12 - 10 AWG #6 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA10EL8 12 - 10 AWG #8 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA10EZ10 12 - 10 AWG #10 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA10EZ8 12 - 10 AWG #8 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA14E10 16-14 AWG #8-#10 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA14E10M 16-14 AWG #10 Stud 1 Hole Tape Mounted Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA14E14 16-14 AWG 1/4" Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA14E14M 16-14 AWG 1/4" Stud 1 Hole Tape Mounted Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA14E38 16-14 AWG 3/8" Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA14E4 16-14 AWG #4 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA14E516 16-14 AWG 5/16" Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA14E6 16-14 AWG #6 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
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- Burndy BA14E8 16-14 AWG #8 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA14EF10 16-14 AWG #10 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA14EF2 16-14 AWG #2 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA14EF6 16-14 AWG #6 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA14EF8 16-14 AWG #8 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA14EL10 16-14 AWG #10 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA14EL6 16-14 AWG #6 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA14EL8 16-14 AWG #8 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA14EL8M 16-14 AWG #8 Stud 1 Hole Tape Mounted Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA14EZ10 16-14 AWG #10 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA14EZ2 16-14 AWG #2 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA14EZ6 16-14 AWG #6 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA16E10 22-16 AWG #10 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA14EZ8 16-14 AWG #8 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA16E10M 22-16 AWG #10 Stud 1 Hole Tape Mounted Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA16E14M 22-16 AWG 1/4" Stud 1 Hole Tape Mounted Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA16E4 22-16 AWG #4 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA16E6 22-16 AWG #6 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA16E6M 22-16 AWG #6 Stud 1 Hole Tape Mounted Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA16E8 22-16 AWG #8 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA16E8M 22-16 AWG #8 Stud 1 Hole Tape Mounted Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA16EF10 22-16 AWG #10 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA16EF2 22-16 AWG #2 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA16EF6 22-16 AWG #6 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA16EF8 22-16 AWG #8 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA16EF8M 22-16 AWG #8 Stud Tape Mounted 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA16EL10 22-16 AWG #10 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA16EL6 22-16 AWG #6 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA16EL6M 22-16 AWG #6 Stud 1 Hole Tape Mounted Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA16EL8 22-16 AWG #8 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA16EL8M 22-16 AWG #8 Stud 1 Hole Tape Mounted Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA16EZ10 22-16 AWG #10 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
- Burndy BA16EZ6 22-16 AWG #6 Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
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- Burndy YHSA10K10F 12 - 10 AWG #10 Stud 1 Hole Tin-Plated Copper Heat Shrink Fork Tongue Terminal Lug
- Burndy YHSA10K10LF 12 - 10 AWG #8 - #10 Stud Tin-Plated Copper Heat Shrink Locking Snap Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Yellow
- Burndy YHSA10K6BF 12 - 10 AWG #4 - #6 Stud Tin-Plated Copper Heat Shrink Block Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Yellow
- Burndy YHSA10K6F 12 - 10 AWG #6 Stud Tin-Plated Copper Heat Shrink Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Yellow
- Burndy T1010BF 12 - 10 AWG #8 - #10 Stud Shrouded Barrel Copper Block Fork Tongue Terminal lug
- Burndy T1010F 12 - 10 AWG #8 - #10 Stud 1 Hole Long Chamfered Barrel Copper Fork Tongue Terminal lug
- Burndy T1010LF 12 - 10 AWG #8 - #10 Stud Unplated Long Shrouded Barrel Copper Locking Fork Tongue Terminal lug
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- Burndy T108BF 12-10 AWG #6 #8 Stud Shrouded Barrel Copper Uninsulated Block Fork Tongue Terminal lug
- Burndy T108F 12-10 AWG #6 #8 Stud 1 Hole Tin-Plated Long Barrel Copper Uninsulated Fork Tongue Terminal lug
- Burndy T108LF 12-10 AWG #6 #8 Stud Unplated Shrouded Barrel Copper Uninsulated Locking Fork Tongue Terminal Lug
- Burndy T1410BF 16 - 14 AWG #8 - #10 Stud Shrouded Barrel Copper Uninsulated Block Fork Tongue Terminal Lug
- Burndy T1410LF 16 - 14 AWG #8 - #10 Stud Unplated Shrouded Barrel Copper Uninsulated Locking Fork Tongue Terminal Lug
- Burndy T1414F 14 - 20 AWG 1/4" Stud Shrouded Barrel Copper Uninsulated Fork Tounge Terminal Lug
- Burndy T146BF 16 - 14 AWG #4 - #6 Stud Shrouded Barrel Copper Uninsulated Block Fork Tongue Terminal Lug
- Burndy T146F 14 - 20 AWG #4 - #6 Stud Chamfered Long Barrel Copper Uninsulated Fork Tounge Terminal Lug
- Burndy T146LF 16 - 14 AWG #4 - #6 Stud Shrouded Barrel Copper Uninsulated Locking Snap Fork Tounge Terminal Lug
- Burndy T148BF 16 - 14 AWG #6 - #8 Stud Shrouded Barrel Copper Uninsulated Block Fork Tongue Terminal Lug
- Burndy T148F 14 - 20 AWG #6 - #8 Stud Tin-Plated Chamfered Long Barrel Copper Uninsulated Fork Tounge Terminal Lug
- Burndy T148LF 16 - 14 AWG #6 - #8 Stud Shrouded Barrel Copper Uninsulated Locking Snap Fork Tounge Terminal Lug
- Burndy T1610BF 22 - 18 AWG #8 - #10 Stud Shrouded Barrel Copper Uninsulated Block Fork Tounge Terminal Lug
- Burndy T1610LF 22 - 16 AWG #8 - #10 Stud Shrouded Barrel Copper Uninsulated Locking Snap Fork Tounge Terminal Lug
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- Burndy T168BF 22 - 18 AWG #6 - #8 Stud Shrouded Barrel Copper Uninsulated Block Fork Tongue Terminal Lug
- Burndy T168LF 22 - 18 AWG #6 - #8 Stud Shrouded Barrel Copper Uninsulated Locking Snap Fork Tongue Terminal Lug
- Burndy T1810F 22 - 18 AWG #8 - #10 Stud Tin-Plated Chamfered Long Barrel Copper Uninsulated Fork Tounge Terminal Lug
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- Burndy T1814F 22 - 18 AWG 1/4" Stud Tin-Plated Chamfered Long Barrel Copper Uninsulated Fork Tounge Terminal Lug
- Burndy T1838 22 - 18 AWG 3/8" Stud 1 Hole Tin-Plated Long Barrel Copper Uninsulated Ring Tongue Terminal Lug
- Burndy T18516 22 - 18 AWG 5/16" Stud 1 Hole Tin-Plated Long Barrel Copper Uninsulated Ring Tongue Terminal Lug
- Burndy T186 22 - 18 AWG #4 - #6 Stud 1 Hole Tin-Plated Long Barrel Copper Uninsulated Ring Tongue Terminal Lug
- Burndy T186F 22 - 18 AWG #4 - #6 Stud Tin-Plated Chamfered Long Barrel Copper Uninsulated Fork Tounge Terminal Lug
- Burndy T188 22 - 18 AWG #6 - #8 Stud 1 Hole Tin-Plated Long Barrel Copper Uninsulated Ring Tongue Terminal Lug
- Burndy T188F 22 - 18 AWG #6 - #8 Stud Tin-Plated Chamfered Long Barrel Copper Uninsulated Fork Tounge Terminal Lug
- Burndy TN1010BF 12 - 10 AWG #8 - #10 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Block Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Yellow
- Burndy TN1010F 12 - 10 AWG #8 - #10 Stud 1 Hole Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Shrouded Barrel Copper Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Yellow
- Burndy TN1010LF 12 - 10 AWG #8 - #10 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Locking Snap Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Yellow
- Burndy TN1014F 12 - 10 AWG 1/4" Stud 1 Hole Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Yellow
- Burndy TN106BF 12 - 10 AWG #4 - #6 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Block Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Yellow
- Burndy TN106F 12 - 10 AWG #4 - #6 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Yellow
- Burndy TN106LF 12 - 10 AWG #4 - #6 Stud Unplated Nylon Insulated Copper Locking Snap Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Yellow
- Burndy TN108BF 12 - 10 AWG #6 - #8 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Block Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Yellow
- Burndy TN108F 12 - 10 AWG #6 - #8 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Yellow
- Burndy TN108LF 12 - 10 AWG #6 - #8 Stud Unplated Nylon Insulated Copper Locking Snap Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Yellow
- Burndy TN1410 16 - 14 AWG #8 - #10 Stud 1 Hole Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Ring Tongue Terminal Lug Blue
- Burndy TN1410BF 16 - 14 AWG #8 - #10 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Block Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Blue
- Burndy TN1410F 16 - 14 AWG #8 - #10 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Blue
- Burndy TN1410LF 16 - 14 AWG #8 - #10 Stud Unplated Nylon Insulated Copper Locking Snap Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Blue
- Burndy TN1414F 16 - 14 AWG 1/4" Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Blue
- Burndy TN146BF 16 - 14 AWG #4 - #6 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Block Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Blue
- Burndy TN146F 16 - 14 AWG #4 - #6 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Blue
- Burndy TN146LF 16 - 14 AWG #4 - #6 Stud Unplated Nylon Insulated Copper Locking Snap Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Blue
- Burndy TN148BF 16 - 14 AWG #6 - #8 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Block Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Blue
- Burndy TN148F 16 - 14 AWG #6 - #8 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Blue
- Burndy TN148LF 16 - 14 AWG #6 - #8 Stud Unplated Nylon Insulated Copper Locking Snap Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Blue
- Burndy TN1810BF 22 - 18 AWG #8 - #10 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Block Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Red
- Burndy TN1810F 22 - 18 AWG #8 - #10 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Red
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- Burndy TN1810LF 22- 18 AWG #8 - #10 Stud Unplated Nylon Insulated Copper Locking Fork Tongue Terminal Lug
- Burndy TN1814 22- 18 AWG #12 - 1/4" Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Ring Tongue Terminal Lug Red
- Burndy TN1814F 22- 18 AWG 1/4" Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Red
- Burndy TN1838 22- 18 AWG 3/8" Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Ring Tongue Terminal Lug Red
- Burndy TN184 22- 18 AWG #3 - #4 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Ring Tongue Terminal Lug Red
- Burndy TN184F 22 - 18 AWG #3 - #4 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Blue
- Burndy TN18516 22 - 18 AWG 5/16" Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Ring Tongue Terminal Lug Red
- Burndy TN186 22 - 18 AWG #4 - #6 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Ring Tongue Terminal Lug Red
- Burndy TN186BF 22 - 18 AWG #4 - #6 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Block Fork Tongue Terminal Lug
- Burndy TN186F 22 - 18 AWG #4 - #6 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Fork Tongue Terminal Lug Red
- Burndy TN186G1 22 - 18 AWG #4 - #6 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Ring Tounge Terminal lug
- Burndy TN186LF 22 - 18 AWG #4 - #6 Stud Unplated Nylon Insulated Copper Locking Fork Tounge Terminal lug
- Burndy TN188 22 - 18 AWG #6 - #8 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Ring Tongue Terminal lug Red
- Burndy TN188BF 22 - 18 AWG #6 - #8 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Block Fork Tongue Terminal lug
- Burndy TN188F 22 - 18 AWG #6 - #8 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Fork Tongue Terminal lug Red
- Burndy TN188LF 22- 18 AWG #6 - #8 Stud Unplated Nylon Insulated Copper Locking Fork Tongue Terminal lug
- Burndy TN202F 26 - 20 AWG #1 - #2 Stud Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Shrouded Barrel Copper Fork Tongue Terminal lug Amber
- Burndy YHSA10K12 12 - 10 AWG 1/2" Stud 1 Hole Tin-Plated Copper Heat Shrink Ring Tongue Terminal Lug
- Burndy YHSA10K14 12 - 10 AWG 1/4" Stud 1 Hole Tin-Plated Copper Heat Shrink Ring Tongue Terminal Lug
- Burndy YHSA10K38 12 - 10 AWG 3/8" Stud 1 Hole Tin-Plated Copper Heat Shrink Ring Tongue Terminal Lug
- Burndy YHSA10K516 12 - 10 AWG 5/16" Stud Tin-Plated Copper Heat Shrink Ring Tongue Terminal Lug Yellow
- Burndy YHSA10K6 12 - 10 AWG #4 - #6 Stud Tin-Plated Copper Heat Shrink Ring Tongue Terminal Lug Yellow
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- Burndy TN146 16 - 14 AWG #4 - #6 Stud 1 Hole Tin-Plated Nylon Insulated Copper Ring Tongue Terminal Lug Blue
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- Burndy T1010 12 - 10 AWG #8 #10 Stud 1 Hole Standard Long Barrel Tin-Plated Copper Ring Tongue Terminal lug
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Product Information
Burndy BA16E14 22-16 AWG 1/4" Stud 1 Hole Copper Terminal Ring Tongue Vinyl Lug
Also Known as :
Burndy Connector, Vinyl Lug, Ring Tongue, Copper Terminal Lug, Power Connectors, Burndy Copper LUG, BA16E14.
Description :
Vinyl Ring Terminal For 22 - 16 AWG.
• Copper Solid Size Range: 20 AWG -22 AWG; 16 AWG -18 AWG
• Copper Str Size Range: 20 AWG -22 AWG; 16 AWG -18 AWG
• Type: CU C Str-Size
Certifications and Compliance:
• CSA Approved: Yes
• ETL: No
• Certification - UL Recognized No
• Certification - cULus No
• Industry Standard(s) UL467
• Standards - Industry Standards Met: UL486
• Standards: RoHS Compliance Status: CM
• UL Listed: Yes
Specification :
• Conductor: 22 - 16 AWG
• Material: Copper
• Plated: Y
• Plating Type: Tin
• Type: Ring Tongue
• Dimension Hole Size inch: 0.27 inches
• Dimension (Length Overall): 0.99 inches
• Dimension (Pad Width): 0.40 inches
• Dimension - Stud Size inch: 1/4
• Dimension (Z): 0.36 inches
• Part Number: BA16E14
• UPC: 781810026717.
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