22/2C Shield 18/2C Unshield Stranded Bare Copper Plenum Remguard Access Control Composite Cable

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22/2C Shield 18/2C Unshield Stranded Bare Copper Plenum Remguard Access Control Composite Cable
Allowable Ampacity for 22/2C Shield 18/2C Unshield Stranded Bare Copper Plenum Remguard Access Control Composite Cable: 100 Amps
This document establishes the specifications for a two pair, one pair shielded cable used for communication applications.
Also Known as:
Composite Cable, Access Control Cable, Remguard Access Cable, Control Cable, Composite Access Cable, Access Cable
Preparation for Shipment:
The cable shall be packaged to preclude the inducement of damage due to handling and transportation, and shall be in accordance with the best commercial practices available. Shipping containers shall be constructed as to eliminate any possible damage to the cables due to shipment.
• National Electric Code - Article 800
• UL Subject 444
Codes & Listings:
Stranded Bare Copper.
AWG Size: 22
Number of Conductor: 4/C (2 pair)
Conductor: Stranded Bare Copper.
Insulation Material: FEP
Nominal Insulation Thickness: 0.012 in.
Nominal Insulation Diameter: 0.053 in.
Color Code: White paired with Blue
Shield: Aluminum/Polyester Tape
AWG Size: 18
Conductor: Stranded Bare Copper
Insulation Material: Remguard
Nominal Insulation Thickness: 0.010 in.
Nominal Insulation Diameter: 0.068 in.
Color Code: Black, Red
Jacket Material: Remguard
Nominal Diameter: 0.190 in
Temperature Rating: Operation: -2°C to +75°C
Weight: 48 Lbs. / 1,000 ft.
Part No: LUGRX346SP
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