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What Uses the Most Electricity in a Home? | NassauNationalCable

What Uses the Most Electricity in a Home?


    Understanding how energy is consumed in your home can help you manage usage and lower costs. Heating and cooling take the largest share, accounting for 46% of energy use. To reduce this, set your thermostat to 78°F in summer and 68°F in winter, and regularly clean or replace air filters to maintain efficiency. 

    Water heating uses 14%, so using cold water for laundry and fixing leaks promptly can make a difference. Appliances like refrigerators and dishwashers consume 13% of energy—upgrading to ENERGY STAR® models can significantly improve efficiency. Lighting accounts for 9% of energy usage, and switching to LED bulbs and turning off lights when not needed can help cut costs. TVs, computers, and game consoles use 4% of household energy, but smart power strips can reduce phantom energy loss. 

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